Tuesday, June 28, 2011


I hate.


Oh crap. Someone found out about my blog. Yikes. And I was caught talking about that specific person whose name I should not mention.

Anyway, I dont think its such a bad thing anyway. Assuming this person is one of the important people in my life. So yea.

Having said all that, IF in the remotest possibility that you are reading this, which I dont think you might given the fact that I said I havent written in ages which would imply that I may or may not be writing much... This aint really a blog. Its like a journal. Its not private cause one day I might forget my password at least I get to view it. Hmmmm... And its just me spilling my errr guts out?

I mean, really? Would you wanna hear my rambling about what is going on in my life anyway? So yea. I'd guess not. This is where i SOMETIME ramble my thoughts. Come to think of it, IF you are one of the important person in my life, wouldn't it just be logical for you to actually listen to me ramble? I mean... For me to talk about my day to... About my ups and downs...


Now it got me to thinking. That is right. Absolutely right.I guess we have been fairly distant. Despite seeing each other everyday, we don't speak to each other. OMG. Now I feel lonely. I am trying to recall. The time when we used to speak over the phone. And asks each other about our day.

Now.. there is no more, calling just to say I miss you, and obviously no more I love yous. I'm having cramps as I type. Its me who hasn't seen it I guess. The only I Love Yous are replies which were swallowed when uttered. There isnt even a Bye anymore.

Probably I am asking for too much. I dont know. We're gonna talk on Thursday. I should keep an open mind. Perhaps. Insyaallah.

If this post is busted too...then.. fairwell blog.

I have been thinking about you. I just forgot how to log in... I am using the old laptop now actually. Cause I kinda put it on bookmark. Its not on my Macbook. :(

Till then...