Friday, December 17, 2010

Rock bottoming at year end

As mentioned previously, I have been on a house-hunting mission. It aint easy. Especially since I couldnt get the blessing from mommy. It was an emotional day for me on Wednesday. I sobbed and rubbed my eyes profusely. Yea I sound like a spoiled brat I know. But then again, its just so easy to judge me. Yes, what ever you see is practically just a show. What I want the world to see. Whatever and however I feel is not the concern of the world. That is between me and God.

Anyway, I rubbed my eyes which led to a tear. Not the contacts, but my eye. Left one. Pain as hell. And it was the colour red.Blood red. Not so glamorous. Haih. Since its an open wound, any exposure to lights would hurt like hell too.But Im good now. Alhamdulillah.

And yesterday, Abang had to go for a minor surgery at Prince Court. His sinus was really bad and blocked his whole system, on the right side i think. Chronic sinus. Way past acute. Alhamdulillah he is fine too now.

So yea, this is the year end. Things havent been great on my side. Despite all the holidays and travelling Ive been doing. So, in conclusion, I havent found that happiness yet. Not in travelling nor shopping. I guess, on hindsight, travelling is my way of escaping reality. Living a few days in a dream. Then, when I come back, reality hits me hard, in the face.

Ive had a tough year. A challenging one. Not that it should be easy. But it was not all a happy one. I cant say I cant wait for 2011 so I could start fresh. Im scared as hell Im gonna ruin it again. And history repeats. Life goes on. What can I say? That is just the system. Take a breather. Put it all behind me.

Life is a journey they say. I am going through it now. So yea. Its been rocky. I just want a meaningful and fulfilling life. Insyaallah. Ameen

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